
Address: Broungs Stenkyrka 641, 62442 Tingstäde
Location: Northern Gotland incl Fårö
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Directions: Take road 149 north from Visby, at the shop in Stenkyrka follow the sign to the right. At the church, turn left towards Ekeby. You will find Kojsagården after about 1 km.
Alternative: take road 148 to Tingstäde, follow the signs Kojsagården 9 km, At stenkyrka church turn right. You will find Kojsagården after approx. 1 km.
Alternative: Take bus no: 61 to Stenkyrka affärn, walk or bring your bike and follow the signs 2 km to Kojsagården.

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: 57.7988758202319
Longitude: 18.5514396429062
Latitude: 57° 47' 56"
Longitude: 18° 33' 5"

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