STF Hablingbo Gute vineyard
Suunnat kohti: By bus
Bus runs from Visby to Hablingbo, get off at the stop at Mataffären, from there it is close to the winery.
By car
Follow road 140 south from Visby, approx. 60 km to Hablingbo. The vineyard itself cannot be missed when passing by.
Bus runs from Visby to Hablingbo, get off at the stop at Mataffären, from there it is close to the winery.
By car
Follow road 140 south from Visby, approx. 60 km to Hablingbo. The vineyard itself cannot be missed when passing by.
GPS coordinates
Coordinates to device
Latitude: 57,185978
Longitude: 18,247272
Latitude: 57° 11' 10"
Longitude: 18° 14' 50" |