Summer holidays at Grå Gåsen

Celebrate summer at Grå Gåsen! Children (3-15 years) stay for free in adult company.

The offer is active in week 27.

Week 27, we have extra focus on the children. We fill the pool with bathing rings and inflatable flamingos, we make sure the football goals are prepared and we show children's films at the hotel. Above all, we make sure that you as families with children get an extra good deal. The children stay for free in their parents' hotel room and they eat at half price in the restaurant when accompanied by an adult. Of course, we make sure that the menu suits the little ones. In addition to what we organise, a lot of fun things happen for children here on southern Gotland - or Storsudret as we say. A warm welcome!

When booking this offer you stay at “Grå Gåsen”.

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