Hotell Slitebaden

Osoite: Kronbrunnsgatan 2, 624 48 Slite
Sijainti: Pohjois-Gotlanti inkl Fårö
näytä kartta
Suunnat kohti: Hotel Slitebaden is located in the town of Slite on the north east coast of Gotland. The street address is Kronbrunnsgatan 2

35 minutes by car from Visby harbour / airport on road 147. There is a sign "Slitebaden" at the main road. Turn there and follow Storgatan to the end and there you will find us.

40-50 minutes by bus lines 20 and 22 from Visby Bus Station. There are more than 10 departures per day on weekdays.

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: 57,704816
Longitude: 18,807258
Latitude: 57° 42' 17"
Longitude: 18° 48' 26"

Varaa meiltä

Varaa meiltä

Build: 29.4.2024 15.22.53, Host: CBONLINEBOTS01, DB: o3.cbguide-4066.cbischannel-47.v1, Controller: Accommodation, Action: showdetailsmapinfo