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Accommodation on Gotland

Visby - außerhalb der Stadtmauer
Visby - außerhalb der Stadtmauer   Karte
Gästebewertungen: 100% (257 von 258 empfehlen)
Hotel | Hallfreda Hotell is situated in an idyllic landscape, lies 9 km east of Visby, on one of Gotland’s largest properties. The house dates back from the 14th century and is today a Unique hotel. This hotel is a mix of Italian meets Gotland.

Ost- Gotland (Küstennah)
Ost- Gotland (Küstennah)   Karte
Gästebewertungen: 97% (30 von 31 empfehlen)
Hotel | At smakrike you fimd 6 fantastic rooms all carefully and lovingly decorated in a unique environment. The building which earlier housed a ships merchsnts is completely changed in to a small, personal hotel with lots of charm and old details. In th...

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